Wednesday, January 4, 2012

These are the days

So here we are 4 days into 2012, and although already un-fashion-ably late, my "aim", my goal-for-the-new-yar (as-it-were) is to (at least try) to post here with a greater regularity than 2011. This should be easy. Or not. At any rate, here we are and we have survived the bump-bump-bump of emotional-careening-down-the-relativistic-stairs-of-familial-holiday-visitations (more or less) in one piece and that is fine, and more than that, some good has come out of it even while there was also a great deal of anguishing and frustration. For my part, I resolved to savour the holidays and that I did, the warmth, the lights, the smells, the tastes. Even if things were a bit bumpy towards the end, the better portion was enjoyment (emphasis on "joy") and just taking the time to remember the little ones will never be this little again and the preciousness of these moments spent together, doing nothing, just being with each other for another Christmas...

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January: Pausing and Giving Thanks

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