Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Solus review

From trevor_vd on twitter, a wonderful review of our "Solus" album:

The Gilliam Section’s “Solus”
I have family friends in San Antonio who made an album recently, entitled Solus. As one of the firstcustomers/listeners, I’m writing a review, and here’s the short of it - I enjoyed this record, and if you know drone, guitar loops, or ambient music, you will too. Solus is up now on CD Baby, and it’s worth the affordable purchase if you’d like a new album to study, relax, read, or just listen to.

Now here’s the long(er) review:

There’s a track in the latter portion of Solus called Burwood. Burwood is a pulsating field of guitar swells and atmospheric drone, cut across by a patience - this song is not melodic, it’s textural: There’s an a focus in it on developing an overall aesthete, rather than a moment-to-moment gratification, a sort of building up, cresting. This textural approach is indicative of the entire album.

Built around cascading guitars, what sets The Gilliam Section apart from other Texan drone/ambient bands such as Stars of the Lid is a willingness to explore this carefully crafted sense of audial crests and troughs (the artistic sinusoidal action for the times) alongside some more playful musical sensibilities. Prog rock never left The Gilliam Section’s members, and its mark shows in rippling guitar solos and effects drenched in reverb. They’ve made a dreamscape in Solus for you to walk through - be sure to take your ears along!

Filed under: Music , album, drone, review, solus

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